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Digital Photography

GCSE Digital Photography

Examination board: AQA

The Photography GCSE offers students an exciting journey through creative and technical skills, exploring themes like Composition in Photography, Colour and Still Life, Architecture and Graphics, and Portraiture in Year 10. In Year 11, students tackle the Cyber Bullying Campaign Project, a Final Major Project, and an Externally Set Assignment.

Students will complete these distinctive units of work: 

  • Composition in Photography (Year 10) 
  • Colour and Still Life (Year 10) 
  • Architecture and Graphics (Year 10) 
  • Portraiture and Distorted Portraiture (Year 10) 
  • Cyber Bullying Campaign Project (Year 11) 
  • Final Major Project (Year 11) 
  • Externally Set Assignment (Year 11) 

All the units are marked in the same way using 4 assessment objectives summarised briefly here: 

AO1 Develop ideas through sustained investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources. 

AO2 Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes. 

AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses. 

AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language. 

Further explanation of theses assessment objectives can be found using the BBC Bitesize link listed below.