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GCSE Design and Technology (Textiles)

Examination board: Pearson Edexcel

There are two pathways for Design Technology: Product Design and Textiles

  • The new course is made up of two components; a single exam paper and a single non-examined assessment (NEA) task that are both equally weighted (50% each). The NEA tasks take the form of contexts and are set each year by the exam board and these were shared with the students in July. All students have picked a context for their NEA and are now working on producing a portfolio of between 20-30 pages, where they will design and manufacture a prototype product.
  • Please note that the deadline for mark submission for the NEA is 28th March 2024 so that all moderation can be completed before marks are submitted to the exam board. After this time your child cannot positively impact their grade in these areas. 
  • It is important that your child is taking personal responsibility for their learning to ensure the NEA is completed and they are prepared for the exam. They must be attending extracurricular clubs when asked to ensure they get the best score possible. 
  • Revision guides, knowledge organisers and an electronic workbook have been made available to all students and it is vital they utilise these.