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Excellent attendance is considered an absolute priority for all students at Guiseley School. We have set a target of 96% for students across school as we recognise great attendance allows each child to:

  • access a broad, balanced and rigorous curriculum and make accelerated progress across all subjects without developing gaps in knowledge which can make learning difficult.
  • benefit from school based pastoral, safeguarding and wellbeing support
  • develop routines, responsibilities and resilience that establish strong foundations for life

To report an absence please call our attendance team before 8.30am on 01943 872315 for each day of absence. Please ensure you provide your name, child’s name and form group, and clear reason for absence.


At Guiseley School we strive for 100% attendance for all of our students. The Department for Education (DfE) guidance is clear that the target for all school children should be 95% or over. There is a clear link between attendance and positive outcomes for children and young people. Research findings and learning from best practice shows that:

  • Students must attend regularly to achieve their full potential and improve life chances.
  • Students who miss out on school can feel vulnerable and left behind.
  • Leave in term time is disruptive and can seriously affect your child’s education.
  • On average students who consistently miss 17 or more days in a school year lose one full grade in their GCSEs.  
Graph showing the link between days absence and percentage attendance

To support your child’s good attendance, you can:

  • Book medical appointments outside of school wherever possible (and provide medical evidence of the appointment if this is not possible)
  • Book family holidays outside of term time – there are 175 days each year when students are not in school
  • Support your child in attending school every day and not allowing them to take time off for minor ailments such as those that would not prevent you from going to work. Please see the NHS website for guidance on whether your child is too ill to come to school
  • Ensure your child arrives to school on time (Before 8.30am) and ready to learn.


At Guiseley School we are clear that the punctual arrival to school and lessons is a vital part of both attendance to school, and effective learning habits. Students must be in form rooms by 8.30am each morning. Being 10 minutes late to school each day in an academic year is the equivalent time of having missed over 6 school days! Student arriving after 9am, when the registers legally close, will not receive their AM mark and will impact on their attendance figure.

Graph showing the impact of lateness on attendance

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