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How to Support Your Child's Revision

As parents/carers, you play a pivotal role in supporting your child's academic journey.

In doing the following things, you will support a positive and learning environment at home and give your child the best chance of success:

  • Provide a quiet and organised space for our child to study, free from distractions
  • Help your children to follow a revision timetable and offer guidance on how this can be achieved in balance with home based commitments
  • Give your child the chance to revise uninterrupted and ensure devices (mobile, laptop, games console) are put away when your child is revising and the device is not required
  • Actively engage with your child's learning, showing interest in their subjects and offering assistance when necessary.
  • Engage with communications from school around revision
  • Encourage, and support, your child to attend revision and booster sessions to address gaps in knowledge
  • Support your child to achieve a healthy balance between study and recreation to promote overall well-being
  • Understand the importance of a good night's sleep and support healthy sleep habits for your child.
  • Understand the importance of diet and support healthy eating and good hydration for your child