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How we plan to work with the upcoming rail strike

The school has recently been in liaison with Northern Rail, sharing our frustration and concern over service cuts on the Baildon-Guiseley service. We have expressed these concerns in the strongest terms to our local councillors, our MP and Northern Rail. We are grateful to Councillor Thomson for escalating our concerns around the reduction in service to the Mayoral office. It is clear that service is unlikely to be reinstated in the immediate future.

In addition to these issues, I am sure you will be aware of the strong possibility that next week will see the start of industry wide strike action amongst train drivers, crew and signalling staff. This will have a significant impact on the ability of families who will rely on the train to get to and from school on Tuesday 21 and Thursday 23 June.

There will be a limited service for Bradford-Ilkley and Ilkley-Leeds. Northern Rail have confirmed there will be no replacement buses or transport at the moment. The details can be viewed on the Northern Rail website

School attendance is essential for student progress, and we would urge you to plan ahead to support your child in getting to school if at all possible. However, we do appreciate that with disrupted service this may not be possible for all.

To help alleviate the concerns around the impact of the trains being cancelled, Guiseley School will be taking the following steps:

1) We will not issue any consequences for late arrival for children who rely on the trains for their school transport and appreciate students may be arriving throughout the morning.

2) Any classes that may be missed on 21st or 23rd of June will be available online for students. Teachers will not be able to deliver live lessons but will put a copy of the lesson and supporting resources on the Teams page.

We will email separately to parents of students in Years 10, 11 and 13 regarding examinations on those days.