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Apply to Sixth Form

Applications for Guiseley School Sixth Form have now closed, and we are in the process of communicating with applicants to arrange interviews and offers.


If you are still interested in making a late application to Guiseley School Sixth Form, please email [email protected], marking your email for the attention of the Director of Key Stage 5.

If you are reading this you are probably in the process of making some very important decisions. Whatever you decide – good luck – and if we can help don’t hesitate to call us.

At Guiseley School, we aim to give every individual the opportunity to realise their potential in whatever they choose. We create a curriculum to match the abilities and interests of the student whilst keeping an eye on the future.

Success comes in many guises and we are very proud of what our young people can achieve. Whilst we celebrate our Oxford and Cambridge successes we equally celebrate our National and International representatives in sport, our young musicians performing at the Albert Hall, our artists and the tremendous work done in our local community. Wherever your strengths lie we would like to provide you with the opportunity to succeed whilst building for the future.

Should you have any questions about joining our Sixth Form, please contact Miss Ogden at [email protected].

Entry requirements

Students should achieve a minimum of five GCSEs Grade 4-9, this must include Maths and English Language or Literature. In addition, GCSE Grade 6 is desired in the subject areas chosen to study at A level, however, Grade 5 will be considered in certain circumstances. This will be considered on a case by case basis.

All courses are an offer only and we are unable to run classes where the number of students applying for the course is not viable. For this reason, students should consider their subject choices carefully and choose a reserve option, should one of their choices not be a viable class.